The Bottomline Blog

It’s difficult to keep your head above water in this madcap digital marketing world. For your sake, and ours, we distill the digital marketing news cycle into the moments, brass tacks, key take aways….the bottomline.

From the impact of Google algo updates, to best-practices for new or little-known PPC ad platform features or privacy challenges and the latest, ahem, awards we help our clients bring home, you’ll find it here on The Bottomline.

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Among all the delicious content, these are the most memorable dishes.

Marc Rand

A new SEO Dashboard

How is your website affected when Google makes an algorithm update? Sample client SEO dashboard showing the impact of Google’s March 2024 spam update using

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Must Read

These are the ones that make you a better digital marketer.

Our Awards

When client performance, and your team, are recognized, we share it.

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If you're all about the freshest content, this is it! From data farm to table. HTML table. Heh.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital Advertising

If you have an outrageous digital marketing target or a stretch goal, colour us intrigued.

Bring your thorny issues, your sticky wickets, your pear-shaped problems to the table and we’ll size them up together.